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If money is withdrawn from a RRIF for medical reasons can part of the withdrawal be deferred to the following year?



Our response:

There is no maximum that you can withdraw from a Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) in any given year, though there is a minimum amount that must be withdrawn based on your age.

There is no allowance for deferring reporting RRIF withdrawals as income for any reason, and the withdrawal is included as income in the calendar year it was withdrawn. Any withdrawals above the minimum amount will have a withholding tax taken immediately, and additional tax may be applied at tax time depending on your total income for the year. Learn more about making withdrawals from your RRIF.

While we are able to provide general information, we cannot provide advice related to the handling of your investments. Speak to a tax professional to see if you qualify to claim medical expenses and to confirm rules relating to withdrawal. Learn more from the Canada Revenue Agency.

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