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Am I able to transfer from one TFSA account to another TFSA account without it counting as a contribution?



Our response:

First, though we try to provide as much information as we can, we are not able to provide any specific investment or financial advice. Generally, if you have more than one Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA), you can transfer funds between them. It won’t affect your TFSA contribution room — as long as the transfer is done directly between the TFSAs. Speak to your financial institution or registered investment firm to find out how to do this.

If you withdraw money yourself from one TFSA and contribute that amount to another TFSA, it will be considered a separate contribution – not a transfer. That contribution will reduce, and may even exceed, your TFSA contribution room for the year. If you over-contribute you’ll pay a penalty.

Learn more about the rules for making transfers between TFSAs.

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