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I am 45. I put my pension into a RRIF — is it tax deductible? Should I have put my pension into an RRSP?



Our response:

As your question is unique to your situation, we recommend speaking to a registered financial advisor or tax professional. In terms of Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSPs) and Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIFs), here is some information that may help:

  • A RRIF can be opened at any time, but no later than the end of the year you turn 71.
  • You do not pay tax on the money in your RRIF, as long as it stays in the plan.
  • You pay tax on the money you withdraw from your RRIF.  You have to start withdrawing money from your RRIF in the year after you open it.
  • Typically you open a RRIF by transferring money from an RRSP.  Transfers from other registered plans such as pension plans and deferred profit sharing plans (DPSPs) are allowed under certain circumstances.


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