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If I buy stock options (that has a profit), put it in my TFSA and then sell them, do I need to pay the tax for the growth outside my TFSA?



Our response:

If you purchased the stock options outside of your TFSA, moving them into your TFSA may trigger a tax event. For more information about transferring investments from a non-registered account to a TFSA, read the answer to this previous question. You can also speak to your financial advisor or contact the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for more information on this type of transfer.

The CRA has information on qualified investments for registered plans, including TFSAs. The CRA is the regulatory body in Canada that implements and enforces rules related to registered plans, such as TFSAs. Generally securities purchased for registered plans like TFSAs must be purchased through a designated stock exchange. For more information on stock options in registered plans, visit the CRA’s website.

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