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What is the best calculator on your website to determine future investment worth?



Our response:

Thanks for your question, Paul! We have a variety of calculators on our website, Some of the calculators you can use to help estimate future investment worth are:

  • Compound Interest Calculator this calculator allows you to see how your savings can grow over time using compound interest.
  • RRSP Savings Calculator if you are using an RRSP to save for retirement, you can use this tool to estimate the future value of your RRSP and how long your savings will last in retirement.
  • TFSA Calculator if you are using a TFSA to reach your savings goal, this calculator can help you estimate how much you will save, and compare it to savings in a non-registered account.
  • RESP Savings Calculator if you are saving for your child(ren)’s education, this calculator will help you estimate how much you need to save, and how much you can save, adding in any applicable government grants and bonds.

See all of the tools and calculators on

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