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What is the difference between a GIC and a Treasury Bill?



Our response:

Treasury Bills (T-bills) and GICs are both fixed term low-risk investments. When you buy a GIC, you are agreeing to lend a bank or financial institution your money for a set term (in months or years) and are guaranteed to get the amount you deposited back with a fixed yield at the end of the term. When you purchase treasury bills (T-bills) you lend money to the federal or provincial government for a set term but unlike GICs T-bills do not pay interest, they are purchased below what the government will give you at the end of the term.

When comparing short-term investments such as GICs and T-bills compare offered rates as well as any investment requirements such as, any initial investment amounts or penalties for redeeming the investment early.

Visit to learn about how GICs and bonds work. Speak with a registered financial representative for advice that fits your personal financial situation.

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